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"Use your logo to make your name memorable. A good logo creates a feel, an image, and a brand for your site. It can also lend an air of professionalism to your online creation. First impressions count. When prospects see an impressive logo, it gives the other aspects of your site a head start!." -Nik Efay, Owner 'Virtually Free Logo Design'


The Psychology of Color and Internet Marketing

by Pam Renovato

As Internet marketers it is imperative that we constantly look for ways to make a good impression on our viewers. Your business depends on it. We only have a short amount of time, before a decision on whether or not we are professionals will be made. We must make good use of this time.

The first instant we have at presenting ourselves to viewers is our web page. Which brings us to the importance of good design and proper color choices. First impressions are very important. We must make the best of them because we are only allowed one.

Remember this is your store front, and you must treat it respectfully. While content, customer service, a niche in your market, and a high subscriber list, are crucial to your life on the internet. Good web page design and proper color choices, are crucial as well. It is a good part of the reason why viewers
bother to look over your content at all. Regardless of how incredible your content may be, you need to welcome them and make them feel at home, while they are there. Or they will leave.

Did know you can control the mood of your visitors by using certain color choices? This is a simple concept that is very often ignored. Why?

Human emotions are very often triggered by color. You need to know which colors trigger which emotions.

Color can make the difference between buying and selling. If used correctly. You need to choose the right color combinations for your site and product.

Everything we, buy, eat, wear, and all of the things that take up space where we live, work or play, all have colors. These colors provide a psychological and emotional response in everyone. These responses reflects who we are and the things that we think and feel.

Color is the first thing we notice and the last thing we forget. If used properly it can be a powerful tool. It is the doorway to our deepest thoughts and feelings, and desires. This is an issue worth discussing.

Which colors should you use?

Well, it is always best to keep your main content on a white background. This is easier on the eyes and will provide a sense of professionalism. The color white triggers emotions such as:
purity, peace, and perfection.

While white is an important color, you will probably want to compliment your site with other colors as well. After all, there is creativity in each and every one of us. There is huge color spectrum for us to choose from. Which colors are best!

Here are a few ideas to help you....

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