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How to promote your business by saying "Thank You"

by Nily Glaser

In today's hurried business world, thank you and appreciation are most commonly reserved for the Christmas season.

Small and large businesses from home-based to conglomerates give and receive gifts at that time of year. The problem is that unless the gift is personalized with the giver's logo and information, the recipient may not realize, or forget, who sent it.

Did you ever wish to acknowledge a gift only to find yourself confused about who sent what? Did you ever take cards off gifts and misplaced them?

These dilemmas are commonplace and frustrating. There isn't much you can do about gifts you receive but you can eliminate such a situation from those receiving gifts from you.

To create good will and advertise "without advertising " it is wise to send a thoughtful, unique and long lasting thank you gift, which will be displayed, or used constantly.

This is one reason for the success rate and high appeal of personalized coffee mugs, wearing apparel, card carriers, calendars, office aides, office decorations, collector's items and conversation pieces and yes, a most unique concept, personalized candles.

Personalized gifts range in price and in impact and fall into three major categories.

1. Gifts used by an individual have an impact on the individual. The recipient will think of you when using the gift.

2. Gifts used in an office setting have an impact mostly by the virtue of name recognition by the recipient, office personnel and visitors who will notice your business name.

3. Gifts that are displayed. Have the highest impact. Just like a trophy or a certificate, an eye catching, pretty or especially interesting displayed item will generate questions and request for information.

In some situations, starting a conversation may feel awkward and a prominently displayed item may serve as an icebreaker. That may help clients and customers, even those who might be otherwise intimidates or shy feel at ease.

The following suggestions will help you make a great impression:

1. Give a unique gift, a one of a kind item a gift the recipient is unlikely to receive from anyone else.

2. Stand out! Be genuine! Do not wait for the Christmas season to give or send a gift. Think about how special you feel when someone conveys "Thank you" or ". appreciate your business" etc. when you least expect it.

3. Give or send a gift that will be used or displayed and enjoyed for a long time.

4. Personalize your gifts in such a way that they serve as unintentional advertisements.

You probably wonder about what would be considered, and how to find unique gifts. Some ideas might come from talking with your colleagues, from specialized catalogues, from searching the Internet, from recommendations, and of course from unique gifts you received, personally.

I have one more suggestion about gift giving. Don't wait for the Christmas season to say thank you. When it comes to gifts, the least expected, the most remembered.

Copyright (c)2000-2001 Nily Glaser All rights reserved

Nily Glaser is the founder of both Candles By Nily and of A-wedding Day, A very popular Wedding Resource and Information Center. She is also the publisher of the free A-wedding Day newsletter: To visit the site click here:

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